The Benefits of Honey for Fertility
Jumat, 09 Agustus 2013
Honey as a fertility therapy has been used since ancient times. That said, in Anglo-Saxon times, honey was the first item that brought the young couple on their honeymoon. In fact, the term honeymoon, derived from the word "honey" real. So, that was a month honeymoon for new couples to enjoy the beautiful future by participating marriage brings together their honey. The goal is none other than the due of honey believed to increase fertility and sexual arousal so that they can quickly have a child.
The Greeks also often provide honey as an offering for / Astarte / (goddess of fertility, sexuality, manhood, love, and war). They believe that by doing so, the fertility of the couple and the children born to them will always be in the shadow of Astarte.
Pollen honey or wax is a mixture of bee saliva, plant nectar and pollen. And pollen is rich in minerals such as copper, sodium, potassium, and zinc in addition to 24 other people and of 22 amino acids known to man, 20, has been found in bee pollen honey.

- Restore and rejuvenate the sexual glands. Both female and male sexual glands. This is because the substances contained in the honey will stimulate and maintain the reproductive system to a better direction.
- Increase stamina and sexual endurance
- Increasing the capacity of prostate abnormalities induced sexual
- Improve ovarian function and egg quality
- Reduces symptoms associated with PMS (/ Pre-Menstrual Syndrome)
- Improve female reproductive hormones to produce eggs to be more fertile
In a study of modern others mentioned also that the use of honey was indeed able to improve the quality of reproductive system toward better (for both men and women). This means, the ability to get pregnant can indeed be improved by the consumption of honey. You can not wait to have children? Eat honey on a regular basis!
I hope this info is useful.. :)
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Title: The Benefits of Honey for Fertility
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